We are a group of 18-40 year olds dedicated to creating positive change within our community. We believe that service to humanity is the best work of life. We do all of it while having a great time and making friends. You’ll want to check us out.

Announcement: Check our calendar for events.

JCI News

Our Signature Events

Get Real – Adulting 101:


Veterans Resource Fair:

September 21st, 2024

40 Under Forty Gala:

November 23, 2024

Santa’s Helpers:

December 2024

Upcoming Events This Week


About JCI Santa Clarita

Junior Chamber International (JCI) Santa Clarita is the premier membership-based nonprofit organization of young active people between the ages of 18-40. We are dedicated to creating positive change in our communities through civic engagement, volunteer work, impact projects, personal development, and friendship.

“Jaycees”, as individual and collective members are known, come from all walks of life. Jaycees are students, professionals, philanthropists, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and friends. But best of all, we are a community within ourselves, working to not only impact our world, but help grow as individuals. We can’t fully explain who we are on a website. Come to one of our events and we’ll give you all the details.

Who's On Our Side?

Our trusted partners enable us to enact positive change. You'll love them as much as we do.

Want to Join JCI Santa Clarita?

The Jaycees are part of an international organization with nearly 200,000 young active citizens, ages 18-40, and over five million alumni – including several world leaders. Local JCI chapters are spread over more than 5,000 local communities and over 100 countries around the world. JCI members are proud of the impact they create around the world. The sense of belonging and responsibility is what leads to the growth of the organization worldwide.

Junior Chamber International Santa Clarita, or JCI Santa Clarita, provides opportunities to improve business skills, networking, perform community service, and participate in fun social events. Making a difference is more fun when you're doing it with friends.